Using academic knowledge and the experiences of its senior managers and considering international standards, Decamoond Brand Innovation Studio has created a new method and a unique process in branding. This method has 3 stages and headings of the services of this agency in branding. All services offered by Decamoond are in the form of this process and stages corresponding to it, which are determined and performed considering the status que of the brand. Decamoond provides its customers with different products considering the type of service needed by brand which are represented in the following. 


Brand Strategy

Preparing Brand Strategic Plan

What is the strategy of brand? It is the map of strategic path of a brand and that where a brand is now and where it will reach. In the world of brands, choosing and loyalty to a brand is a concept which is the main request of all business owners. These concepts are in fact determining their share in market and are the most corresponding part with profit in branding. Have your business customers chosen your brand and will they be loyal to it in their future choices? Answering this question needs a little a bit thinking, there is always a level of selection which is the existentialist reason of every business. But it doesn’t mean an ideal and stable status…there were so many famous brands have been removed by other new competitors due to this wrong conception and their names are hardly remembered by their not so far loyal customers today, one of them is mobile phone brand, Nokia. As a barding agency, we prepare brand strategy and path map. This is the first phases of branding in Decamoond Brand Innovation Studio.

1st kerman brand inovation studio After
1st kerman brand inovation studio Before

Brand Identity

Creating & Update Brand Identity

What is the identity of a brand? Brand identity is the essence and the starting point of everything about a brand. Brand identity includes visual standards relying on the concepts of brand soul. Sometimes this brand has not been existed and is created based on the concepts considered by brand owners. And sometimes, this identity has been existed but it doesn’t enjoy necessary visual standards and the ability to suitably demonstrate concepts and needs to be reformed and updated which is called redesigning and or rebranding. So many big companies have passed this process during years and they will also do this in the future, for example Instagram. According to brand strategy, identity is the beginning of a branding path. After achieving a unique identity for a brand, the most important issue is to maintain identity and identification of each brand. The identity of every brand is only possible by observing visual standards of brand. All these standards are prepared and performed in the form of brand guide. We prepare brand guide as a branding agency. This is the second phases of branding in Decamoond Brand Innovation Studio.

1st kerman brand inovation studio
1st kerman brand inovation studio

Brand Release

Creating & Improving Brand Images

What is the release of brand? Every measure to offer an original image of brand to audiences of brand is brand release. Now that we have an original image of a brand, there appears this question that how it is possible to offer an original image to brand audiences? The answer to this question is directly related to brand strategy. According to brand strategy, release is the executive phase of brand development and a set of instruments and platforms are used in this phase. These basic instruments are brochure, catalogue, official documents, website, environmental design and advertisement instruments are campaign, radio and TV networks, social networks and… and every platform suitable for the release of brand image. Selecting suitable platform, supplying infrastructure and management of the structure of release is a thing which are specialized in it as a branding agency and we are a decent selection to do it. This is the third phases in Decamoond Brand Innovation Studio and counties a long-term cooperation.

1st kerman brand inovation studio
1st kerman brand inovation studio

Dear reader if as a business owner and or a manager of a complex, you have concluded that your brand is far from its main position and needs to move towards a different future, you are in the turning point of your business future. A moment that if you don’t decide for that, tomorrow may be late! You may evaluate our abilities by seeing our sample works and work experiences and suitably decide to start a cooperation. We have provided preliminary free consultation in Decamoond. After business and brand, tell us we are interested in new challenges.